All deserve it: "The famous Jubjib dog for 7 years following the owner selling durian in Thailand"

All deserve it: “The famous Jubjib dog for 7 years following the owner selling durian in Thailand”

Jubjib dog is a famous Golden Retriever dog in Thailand for 7 years following his owner to sell durian. This dog was born in 2014 and was found on the street by owner Anont Rotthong when he was only a few months old. Mr. Anont is a durian farm owner in Chumphon province, southern Thailand. He adopted Jubjib and brought the dog home to live with his family.

Выглядит счастливым": ретривер собрал рекордный урожай дуриана

Jubjib is a very intelligent and obedient dog. This dog loves to sell durian with his owner. Mr. Anont often brings Jubjib with him when he goes to sell durian at the market. This dog is very happy and friendly, it always wags its tail and greets people. Jubjib is also very good at attracting customers. Many people who come to buy durian are attracted to this dog and they end up buying another durian.

Jubjib helped Mr. Anont sell a lot of durians. This dog has become an icon of Mr. Anont’s durian farm. Many people who come to buy durian want to meet Jubjib and take pictures with this dog. Jubjib has also appeared in various media in Thailand. This dog has helped promote the image of Thai durian to many people around the world.

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Jubjib is a very special dog. This dog has brought joy and happiness to Mr. Anont and his family. This dog also helped Mr. Anont sell a lot of durians and promote the image of Thai durian to many people around the world. Jubjib is a loving and loyal dog. This dog is a valuable asset to Mr. Anont and his family.

Here are some stories about the dog Jubjib:

Once, Mr. Anont was selling durian at the market when an old woman came to buy it. The old lady liked Jubjib very much and bought another durian. The old woman said that she is very happy to meet Jubjib and that she will tell her children and grandchildren about this dog.

Another time, there was a group of tourists coming to Thailand. They visited Mr. Anont’s durian farm and they enjoyed Jubjib. They took a picture with Jubjib and they said they will never forget this dog.

Jubjib is a very wonderful dog. This dog has brought joy and happiness to so many people. This dog is a valuable asset to Mr. Anont and his family.

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