Meet Bowie: The Suave Kitty with Hypnotic Gaze

Meet Bowie: The Suave Kitty with Hypnotic Gaze

Every cat has a unique charm, but there are some that stand out more than others. One such example is Bowie, who immediately caught my attention with his stunning looks. I’m sure you’ll be just as mesmerized by him as I was! Meet Bowie, the Tuxedo Cat with eyes that are different colors – one blue and one gold, making them truly remarkable.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

Bowie, the Tuxedo Cat, is a one-of-a-kind feline with a stunning appearance. His long coat, decorated with tuxedo patterns and accompanied by gigantic whiskers, is truly a sight to behold. He was rescued from PAWS, a renowned Progressive Animal Welfare Society in Washington state. His current owners fell head over heels for him when they first saw him, despite not noticing his mesmerizing eyes right away. They knew he was the perfect cat for them and brought him home. Bowie’s owners chose a name that matched his personality and striking eyes, and they have since enjoyed countless happy memories with him. Bowie is a relaxed kitty who cherishes the simple things in life, like taking romantic strolls to his food dish.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

Bowie, fondly called as Bow, is making waves on Instagram owing to his irresistible charisma. He’s a pro at modeling and never fails to please his followers with his adorable poses. Bowie resides in Seattle, Washington with his owners and feline friend Olive. When he’s not striking a pose, he loves to catch up on some much-needed catnap or indulge in bird-watching, which is one of his favorite hobbies. So, keeping a watchful eye on the skies is an essential part of Bowie’s routine.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

This image perfectly captures the essence of what we call “cattitude”. Tuxedo cats are well-known for their abundance of it!

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

According to the Instagram bio of an individual, they possess a distinct personality similar to that of a cat – initially sour and later sweet. The cat in question is named Bowie and is known for having a vibrant personality. Scarlett French, Bowie’s owner, graciously answered some questions about this exceptional feline. She shared that Bowie was rescued when she and her husband stumbled upon PAWS cat city after attending a late-night comedy show. While observing several cats playing or sleeping outside, Bowie caught their attention by curling up and gazing directly at them with his charming demeanor. The next day, they contacted the shelter to inquire about him and found out that he was on hold until 5 pm, but they decided to take a chance and visit him anyways.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

During the evening, we had a chance to interact with him, but it wasn’t until we got a closer look at his eyes that we realized how unique they were. We were completely captivated! Fortunately, we were able to adopt him once the hold was lifted, and we decided to name him Bowie – after David Bowie, who also had different colored eyes. It took a while for our other cat, Olive, to get used to having a new companion around, but now they’re inseparable. We are absolutely in love with our dear Bow. Check out this cute photo of him when he was just a little kitten!

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

How can you portray his personality? Well, he’s a chilled-out and relaxed cat! He’s always full of love and curiosity. Whenever we take care of dogs, Bowie is the first one to greet them and rub against their legs, even if they don’t like it (so funny!). He loves being with people and likes staying near us, though he’s not really into cuddling.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

What sets him apart? To begin with, he’s perhaps the most silent feline you’ll ever come across! Although he can’t stop chattering whenever he spots a bird, Bowie has never meowed in front of us. It’s quite amusing since my partner and I have had a fair share of talkative cats in the past. But as for Bowie, he’s a mute! This peculiarity only enhances his appeal, and we feel incredibly fortunate to have him in our lives. Bowie, even though you’re an odd-eyed cat, you’re flawless just as you are. Your loveliness and gentle personality make the world a better place.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

Do you love Bowie the Tuxedo Cat? If you want to feast your eyes on more adorable pictures of this stylish kitty, then be sure to check out his Instagram page. Follow him for regular updates and share his profile with your fellow cat lovers too! I’m grateful to Scarlett for allowing me to share Bowie’s story and beautiful photos with cat enthusiasts all over the world. And let’s not forget, all the stunning images featured on Bowie’s Instagram page are thanks to the talented cat himself!

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