“Patches the Foodie Cat’s Journey to Finding a Forever Home: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Furry Matchmaking Process in a Virginia Shelter”

“Patches the Foodie Cat’s Journey to Finding a Forever Home: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Furry Matchmaking Process in a Virginia Shelter”

Kay Ford was immediately smitten with Patches upon their first encounter. This is not surprising considering that Patches is an enormous feline, weighing in at a whopping 40.3 pounds! Kay learned about Patches through her daughter who shared a Facebook post from Richmond Animal Care and Control. The post was seeking a loving home for the charming cat and wondered if someone had woken up with the desire to adopt the biggest cat ever seen, which Patches certainly fit the bill.

Patches, 40-pound cat

Meet Patches, a chubby cat from the Richmond Animal Care and Control (RACC) center who recently became an internet sensation after a photo of him went viral on Facebook. The picture showed Patches who was overweight but on a special diet and exercise program to help him reach a healthy weight. Despite his weight, Patches has a lovely personality according to Savannah Hughes, the Adoption and Intake Coordinator. His previous owners left him at RACC because they could not take care of him, and since then, numerous people across the country have shown interest in adopting him. However, RACC selected Kay Ford to adopt Patches due to her experience as a pet owner and her willingness to support Patches on his weight loss journey.

Ford with her new friend.

Kay Ford has brought home a new cat called Patches after he spent two weeks at RACC. The 6-year-old cat weighs 40.3 pounds and now joins Bella, a 13-year-old Yorkie, and Wellesley, a 2-year-old cat in the family. Bella seems uninterested in Patches, but Wellesley is taking a bit longer to adjust to the new addition. Ford is optimistic that the two cats will eventually become good friends.

Patches and his new siblings.

Kay Ford is determined to help her new pet, Patches, lose weight. She acknowledges that this commitment requires her full attention, but she is ready to take on the challenge. The reason behind Patches’ size was because his prior owners fed him too many treats according to Ford. Despite his size, Patches already had a veterinarian who monitored his health previously. Ford can share his records with the new doctor when he visits next week. However, the challenge lies in getting Patches to commit to an exercise plan, as advised by the RACC’s on-site veterinarian. Ford believes that taking small steps will make a difference. Patches can walk despite his size, although he prefers to set his own pace. Giving him encouragement to move around by taking a few steps and then resting is essential. Although not a voracious eater, Ford’s priority is to ensure that Patches eats well for now.


Patches, a cat who recently found a new home, has a promising future ahead of him. Owner Kay Ford has created a Facebook page to keep track of Patches’ weight loss journey and adventures. The page has already accumulated over 5,000 followers in just one week. Ford is enthusiastic about supporting Patches as he strives for a healthier lifestyle and looks forward to seeing his vibrant personality shine through once he loses the extra weight. Chrissy Callahan writes for TODAY.com on various topics, and in her free time, she enjoys traveling, watching reality TV, and indulging in lots of cookie dough.

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