Stray Momma Dog and Her Berry Puppies Find Hope and Happiness

Stray Momma Dog and Her Berry Puppies Find Hope and Happiness

Ashley Boggs, a dedicated dog rescuer, was on a forest road in Puerto Rico when she encountered a brown stray dog desperately seeking help. Unlike typical strays, this dog’s behavior was unusual, as if she had a message to convey. It turns out, she was a nursing mom named Goji, urgently seeking aid for her newborn puppies left alone in the woods.

Working with Miracles for Satos Rescue, Boggs became their savior. In addition to Goji, she discovered two more pups nearby. All three were friendly and easily secured in her car. But more cries led her back into the woods, where she found four more puppies hidden near the box they were abandoned in. With determination, Boggs managed to rescue all seven.

Upon reaching the facility, Boggs and her team ensured that this stray family received the care they desperately needed. Hungry and in need of a fresh start, they were provided with just that. Miracles for Satos Rescue, an organization that transports dogs from Puerto Rico to New York for adoption, played a crucial role in giving these puppies a chance at a better life.

In a foster home, the puppies began socializing and learning essential puppy manners. Goji adapted well to her new environment and showcased her affectionate nature. She quickly became known as “the absolute best dog,” loving every person and dog she met.

The rescued puppies were aptly named Raspberry, Blueberry, Gooseberry, Cloudberry, Blackberry, and Strawberry, reflecting their origin from the berry bushes where they were found.

Goji, once burdened with the worry of her family’s safety, finally found peace. With the support of her caregivers, she blossomed into a sweet, joy-bringing companion.

The Berry family, once abandoned and left to fend for themselves, have now found loving forever homes. This heartwarming tale demonstrates the transformation from abandonment to a life filled with love and care.

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