“Yuki, the Bulgarian Feline with a Ghostly Aura, is the Purrfect Addition to Your Family”

“Yuki, the Bulgarian Feline with a Ghostly Aura, is the Purrfect Addition to Your Family”

yuki the ghost cat

There is a special cat residing in Bulgaria that possesses dazzling white fur and mesmerizing, peculiar-colored eyes. Yuki, a rescue cat, is commonly referred to as the “friendly ghost” by her owners. It is not rare to find exceptionally beautiful cats up for adoption, and Yuki is an excellent example of this. I recently had the chance to speak with her owner about featuring Yuki on our website, and happily, she agreed. Check out the following article to discover more about this lovely feline.

yuki the ghost cat

What’s the story behind how Yuki became a part of your family?
When I already had my first cat Sammy, I never imagined that I would have another one. It was my mom’s idea to get a companion for Sammy so that she wouldn’t be alone when no one was home. So, we adopted Yuki from a relative who had cats up for adoption.
How did you choose Yuki’s name?
After selecting our new furry friend, we had to think of a name for her. As my boyfriend and I are both fans of anime and Japanese culture, we decided to call her Yuki, after the Yuki-onna, a Japanese spirit or ghost.

yuki the ghost cat

yuki the ghost cat

Can you describe her character?
My kitty has a lovely personality and quickly bonded with her sister and the rest of the household. She shows immense courage, even when visiting the vet, where she never displays any signs of fear.
What activities does she enjoy?
Playing with paper balls is her all-time favorite pastime, and she can keep at it for hours on end. During sunny days, you’ll find her basking in the sun, lounging on her cushioned seat by the window.
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yuki the ghost cat

yuki the ghost cat

Does Yuki reside with any furry friends like cats or dogs?
Yep, she’s got her three-year-old sister Sammy.
What’s a unique trait or characteristic of Yuki that you’d love to share?
Yuki’s got quite the sense of humor- spending time with her is always an adventure. She’ll even come up with activities to do, even if they’re off-limits, but it’s hard to stay mad at her when she’s so amusing.

yuki the ghost cat

yuki the ghost cat

I want to express my gratitude to Yuki’s owner for giving me the opportunity to feature their cat’s story and pictures on Cattitude Daily. Don’t forget to follow Yuki on Instagram to see more of her adorable antics. All the images shared here are from theghostcatt’s Instagram page.

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